
Capricorn – Earth Sign 

December 22nd – January 19th 

Hey there, Capricorns! We hope you’re ready for the month of May 2023 because this one is going to be a doozy – in the best possible way, of course. As the stars align, you’ll find that everything starts falling into place for you, from your career to your love life. But we know you Capricorns can be perfectionists, always striving for more, and that’s where we come in.

This month, we recommend trying out our JAXON CBD Pain Relief Cream. As you work towards your goals, we know that stress and strain can start to take a toll on your body. But fear not – this cream is a game changer. Our CBD-infused formula is designed to soothe sore muscles and reduce inflammation, leaving you feeling like an energized goat (get it, Capricorn?).

But we know your perfectionist tendencies extend beyond your work life. You want to look your best, too! That’s why we suggest indulging in our JAXON Age-Defying CBD Cream. This powerful formula is packed with antioxidants and other natural ingredients to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Because let’s be real – you may be a goat, but you’ve got to keep that rough exterior in check.

So go forth, Capricorns, and enjoy all the successes that May 2023 has in store for you. And know that we’ll be in your corner, helping you feel and look your best along the way.

Aquarius – Air Sign 

January 20th – February 18th 

Hey there Aquarius, you rebel, you! May 2023 is going to be a month of unpredictable surprises and exciting twists and turns. With your natural curiosity, you’ll be firing on all cylinders, exploring new experiences, and chasing your wildest dreams. But, amidst all this chaos, don’t forget to take time for yourself and unwind. Our Lemon Octane CBD flower is just what the doctor ordered for those moments of calm and relaxation.

You may find that your creative juices are flowing more than usual this month. With the cosmic winds blowing in your favor, channel that energy into some new projects or hobbies. Our HHC or D8 pre-rolls are perfect companions for those moments of inspiration. You never know; you may just come up with the next big thing!

Your social life is also looking bright this month. Connect with new people and enjoy the company of old friends. Our CBD products can help ease any social anxiety and bring out your best self. So, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and see what kind of adventures await.

Overall, May 2023 is going to be a month of growth, adventure, and fun for Aquarius. And with JAXON CBD by your side, you’ll be ready to take on anything that comes your way. Stay high on life, Aquarius!

Pisces – Water Sign 

February 19th – March 20th 

Hey Pisces, it’s your month to shine like a beautiful, iridescent mermaid….or merman! May 2023 has some interesting cosmic happenings and we know you’re eager to dive right in! But don’t forget to take a moment to chillax and find your inner zen.

This is going to be a month of growth and self-discovery, so it’s important to nurture your physical and emotional well-being. Lucky for you, JAXON has some seriously relaxing CBD products that can help you tap into your calm, creative side. Take a stroll in nature with our CBD-infused chocolate bars or unwind after a long day with our Indica-dominant Lemon Octane hemp flower.

But remember, listening to your body and mind during this time is important. Trust your intuition and allow yourself to be present in the moment. Let the universe do its thing; good karma is coming your way. Stay curious, stay adventurous, and who knows? You might just discover the secret to life itself!

Aries – Fire Sign 

March 21st – April 19th

Hey there, Aries; get ready for a wild ride in May 2023! The planets are aligning in your favor and you’re about to experience a burst of energy like never before. You may feel like you can take on the world, but remember to pace yourself and take breaks when needed. It’s all about balance, baby!

But don’t worry; we’ve got just the thing to help you stay cool, calm, and collected during this exciting time. Our classic Bubba Kush hemp flower will help you relax after a long day of conquering the world. And if you’re feeling adventurous, try our Hawaiian Haze for a chill island vibe.

But that’s not all, Aries! Our newly launched HHC and D8-infused pre-rolls are just what you need to add a little spice to your life. These bad boys are perfect for those looking for a little psychoactive kick. So, go ahead and indulge in some fun, just remember to always stay safe!

So embrace the energy and excitement of May 2023, Aries, and let JAXON CBD take care of the rest. Cheers to a month full of adventure, relaxation, and good vibes!

Taurus – Earth Sign 

April 20th – May 20th 

Ah, Taurus, it’s your time to shine! This May, we see lots of planetary alignments that will boost your confidence and motivation. You’ll feel like you can conquer the world or at least your to-do list. But be warned, don’t let your ego get the best of you. Remember, there is always room for improvement, even for the best of the best, which, let’s be honest, is you.

Now, as CBD advocates, we can’t help but recommend some relaxing Indica products to balance out all that Taurus energy. Our Skywalker CBD flower is a perfect match for your zodiac sign. Its calming effects will help you stay grounded and present, even when your mind is racing at lightning speed.

But if you’re feeling adventurous, we also have some Sativa-dominant strains that will keep your creative juices flowing. We recommend our Suver Haze and Sour Goo for when you need a little pick-me-up or our newly launched HHC and D8-infused pre-rolls for those looking for a unique experience.

Remember, Taurus, keep pushing yourself to be the best version of yourself, but don’t forget to take time for self-care and relaxation. And when you need a little help with that, we’re here for you with the best CBD products in the Milky Way. Happy May!

Gemini – Air Sign 

May 21st – June 21st 

Hey, there, Geminis, May 2023 is going to be a wild ride for you. The stars are aligned for you to embrace your adventurous side, so get ready to break out of your comfort zone and try something new. Maybe take up skydiving or start a new hobby like beekeeping. Who knows where life will take you?

On the flip side, watch out for some unexpected surprises when it comes to love. It could either be smooth sailing or a roller coaster of emotions. Either way, our CBD products are here to help you stay relaxed and maintain a positive outlook on life.

But wait, there’s more! For those moments where you need an extra pick-me-up, try our HHC and D8-infused pre-rolls. They’re like a little surprise party in your pocket, ready to elevate your mood whenever you need it.

So stay curious and keep your sense of humor close by this May, Geminis. And don’t forget to stock up on your favorite JAXON CBD products to help you navigate through any unexpected twists and turns.

Cancer – Water Sign 

June 22nd – July 22nd

Hey Cancer, we hope you’re ready for some out-of-this-world experiences this May! Get ready to explore the new depths of your imagination as your creative energy sparks like fireworks. Just make sure you’re not setting off any alarms, okay?

This month, you might feel like you’re lost in space, but don’t worry; we’ve got your back. Our CBD-infused products will help ground you and keep you calm, even when the universe seems to be spinning faster than a pair of nunchucks. We suggest trying our Indica-dominant Purple Gas hemp flower to help you relax and unwind or even our CBD-infused chocolate bars to give you a sweet escape.

So keep dreaming big, Cancer, because this month, anything is possible. And as always, remember to stay lifted, in both mind and spirit. 

Leo – Fire Sign 

July 23rd – August 22nd 

Hey, all you fun-loving Leos out there!

Get ready for May 2023 because it’s gonna be a wild ride! With the sun shining down on your sign, you’ll feel like the king/queen of the jungle. But watch out because that energy could lead to some unpredictable antics.

You might find yourself trying to do a backflip off a trampoline (don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone if you can’t pull it off) or getting lost in a deep conversation with your cat about the meaning of life (we hope they have some good insights for you).

But fear not, because JAXON is here to help you achieve ultimate chillaxation. Our CBD products are the perfect complement to your quirky Leo personality. Whether you’re smoking some of our super potent moonrocks or enjoying some of our top-notch Oregon CBD flower, you’ll feel like the coolest cat in the jungle.

So embrace the weirdness, Leo, and let JAXON help you take your zaniness to the next level. We promise it’ll be a ride you won’t forget.

Virgo – Earth Sign 

August 23rd – September 22nd

Well, well, well, Virgo – it looks like you’ve got some exciting times coming your way this May! Whether it’s some unexpected news or a chance encounter, expect the unexpected. But don’t worry, because you’ve got the tenacity and intelligence to handle anything that comes your way – just like our premium CBD products!

But let’s not get too serious now, shall we? This month, take some time to indulge in some pure, unadulterated relaxation. Maybe that means sparking up one of our HHC or D8-infused pre-rolls and kicking your feet up while binge-watching your favorite show. Or perhaps it’s more about treating yourself to a luxurious massage after a long, hard week. Whatever it is, make sure you’re keeping your mind and body in tip-top condition with a little help from JAXON CBD.

And who knows – with all that good energy flowing your way, you might attract a little romance into your life. So go on, Virgo. Enjoy the ride. And if you need a little extra boost, remember JAXON has got your back with the highest quality CBD products on the market. But honestly, you’re doing just fine on your own. Keep shining bright like the star you are!

Libra – Air Sign 

September 22nd – October 23rd

Are you ready, Libras? May 2023 is going to be a wild ride for you! Prepare to have your socks knocked off and your chakras aligned. Or your socks aligned and your chakras knocked off; we can never remember which order it’s supposed to go in.

This month, you might find yourself feeling a little off-kilter. Don’t worry, it’s just the cosmos doing their thing. Take a deep breath, find your center, and try not to accidentally walk into any walls. We’ve all been there.

Relationships might be a bit of a rollercoaster this month. You might have a sudden urge to go on a road trip with your significant other or break up with them and join a traveling circus. Hey, whatever floats your boat…or biplane or hot air balloon.

As for work, things are looking good! You might find yourself with a sudden burst of creativity or finally figuring out how to use that new-fangled printer in accounting. The universe knows you’ve been trying to figure it out for months.

Overall, May 2023 is a time for adventure, exploration, and maybe a little bit of chaos. But hey, that’s life, right? Just remember to breathe, have fun, and, most importantly, take some time to enjoy JAXON’s high-quality CBD products. We’re not saying it’s necessary, but it certainly couldn’t hurt. Stay weird, Libras!

Scorpio – Water Sign 

October 23rd – November 21st 

Ah, Scorpio! The king and queen of mystery, passion, and intensity.  Based on the alignment of the stars, it appears that you will be feeling particularly adventurous and curious You may even find yourself seeking out new experiences that push you out of your comfort zone. And by new experiences, we don’t just mean trying a new strain of CBD flower (although we highly recommend that too).

This month is all about pushing your boundaries and exploring new realms of knowledge. You may find yourself delving deeper into esoteric subjects like astrology or philosophy. Or, you may even take up a new hobby like skydiving or underwater basket weaving. Whatever it is, embrace your curiosity and let yourself be fully immersed in the experience.

Remember, Scorpio; you are the master of transformation. This month may bring about unexpected changes, but trust in yourself and your ability to adapt. And if you happen to find yourself feeling a little anxious or stressed, don’t worry; we’ve got your back with our premium CBD products.

Overall, May 2023 is the perfect time to step out of your comfort zone, explore new horizons, and embrace the magic of the unknown. So go ahead, Scorpio, let your freak flag fly!

Sagittarius – Fire Sign 

November 22nd – December 21st

Hey there, Sagittarius! Buckle up, buttercup, because we’ve got a wild ride in store for you this coming May 2023. Are you ready to shine like a diamond and twinkle like a star? Well, you better be, because the cosmos have got a whole lot of surprises in store for you.

First things first, your social calendar is going to be absolutely lit this month. Whether you’re attending a music festival or hitting up a local comedy club, you’re going to be the life and soul of the party. Why, you ask? Because you’ll be feeling as zen as a Buddhist monk with JAXON’s premium CBD products.

Speaking of Zen, you’re going to need all the inner peace you can muster this month. That’s because your career is going to be busier than a bee’s honeycomb! But don’t worry, has got your back (and your nerves) with our top-notch CBD products. Whether it’s pre-rolls to relax after a long day or our CBD-infused chocolate bar to deal with your annoying cubicle mate, we’ve got you covered!

And finally, brace yourself for a little bit of romance. That’s right, Saggitarious – cupid’s arrow is headed straight toward you this May! Whether it’s an old flame or a brand-new love interest, you’re going to be feeling the heat. So, why not share the love with your significant other and spark up JAXON’ D-8 infused pre-rolls for a chill and romantic evening?

So there you have it, Sagittarius. Your May 2023 horoscope, JAXON style. We hope you’re feeling as silly and entertained as we are right now. Happy hemping!

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